
Friday, May 20, 2011

scrambled, please

I'm tellin' ya, eggs are THE way to go.

When too much time goes by, my sister and I require a long phone chat (try 1 hr, 38 minutes, and 33 seconds of long!). We had one of those today and one of the recurring topics was what we should eat for dinner. She scrounged around in her fridge, I investigated mine. As soon as I spotted the three, lumpy, leftover potatoes sitting forlornly in their container, I knew what I was eating for dinner.

Cast iron skillets are awesome because they're easy to cook with and easy to clean. I browned the potato chunks, than poured my scrambled eggs in (doctored with some fresh green onions and cilantro). Carefully throw in a glass of red wine and in ten minutes, dinner was served.

I don't have a picture of my beautiful dinner because I'm a bum and I didn't think to take one. :( But just remember, eggs are THE way to go. There are so many things sitting around in the fridge that you can add to them: peppers; olives; garlic; any sort of onions; ham; bacon; sausage; cheese of any shape, color, or taste; herb(s) of your choice; salsa; chunks of tomato; I don't know, the sky?

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